Tuesday, August 13, 2013

English Conversation Topic 37 Talking about fascinating facts in English

Here are some interesting facts for you and your partner to talk about in English. There is a follow-up question for each one, but do NOT ask the follow-up until AFTER your partner has tried to guess the answer to the first question!
1. Which of your body parts contains 25% of all of your bones?

2. Which 5-letter English word is pronounced the same when the last four letters are removed?

3. Which living creature can live for several weeks after its head is cut off?

4. Which English word has the most definitions?

5. What is the only mammal that cannot jump?

6. Which English word is the longest to have all of the letters in alphabetical order?

7. There is a famous capital city whose name is used for at least one other city in every continent on Earth. Which city is it?

8. If we don't count "y" as a vowel, what is the longest English word without a vowel?

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